FPG researcher Nicole Gardner-Neblett, who led the study, explained that oral narrative skills emerge as early as age 2 and continue to develop as children engage in interactions with parents and others, who provide guidance and feedback. The research focused on preschoolers’ skills with oral narratives and on the same children’s emergent literacy at kindergarten. Their study’s sample included 6,150 students nationwide.
Somewhat surprisingly, she said, the study did not find a link between oral narrative skills and emergent literacy for the overall sample. However, when Gardner-Neblett and Iruka broke down the findings demographically, one group was different.
“We found that preschool oral narrative skills were a significant predictor of emergent literacy for poor and non-poor African American kindergartners,” Gardner-Neblett said. “But only for the African American children.”
"Oral story telling has been an important part of the histories of many peoples—and an especially rich aspect of the black culture across the African diaspora,” said Iruka
According to Gardner-Neblett, previous research suggests that African American children are skilled in telling complex narratives of many different types, which may provide clues to the new study’s findings.
“Having a repertoire of different styles suggests that African American children are flexible in their narratives, varying the narratives according to context,” she said. “This flexibility may benefit African American children as they transition from using oral language to the decoding and comprehension of written text.”
“Something different is going on for African American children before they receive any formal instruction in kindergarten,” said Gardner-Neblett. “But for other groups, the association between narrative and literacy may be as crucial—but not evident until later stages of development, as other studies have shown.”
Gardner-Neblett and Iruka said the new findings suggest the importance of recognizing and capitalizing on storytelling skills to help young African American children with their early reading development.
“Building on children’s oral narrative skills is a strategy for schools looking to connect with children,” said Iruka. “Especially as schools support children of color who come from a culture that has cherished these skills.”
Gardner-Neblett added there still was much to learn about early literacy, and she called for more research. “Better understanding the relationships between early narrative skills and literacy will help inform strategies to improve reading skills among all children,” she said.
Abstract and link to full article
Nicole Gardner-Neblett, Investigator
Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
FPG grants permission to publish this story in whole or in part.