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No student should be invisible

Image result for african american child invisible

When children do not see themselves reflected in literature, textbooks, and school curriculum, it gives them the impression they are not valued, that something must be wrong with them

Too often children of color open a book and are unable to make connections to themselves and their communities. White children, then, have many more opportunities to make connections to literature and become proficient readers. 

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EyeSeeMe is partnering with Maryville University’s Education Club and A Red Circle Non-Profit and are asking for your support in our EyeSeeMe in Books Inclusive Book Fair campaign aimed to help give local students of color more access to literature that includes African American images and history, and celebrates and promotes positive identity development. 

Fundraising Goal

Please help us meet our goal of selling 500 book vouchers that will be donated to the students of Barack Obama Elementary in St. Louis, Missouri.  Barack Obama Elementary is located in the Normandy School District and has a student population that is 99% African-American.

Each book voucher you purchase will be given to one Barack Obama student.  There is no limit on the number of book vouchers you can purchase for students. 

Click the website link below to purchase $15 book vouchers, or for additional information about this campaign. 

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Books are Windows and Mirrors