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Self Publishing Authors

We support independent self-published authors. We are always interested in carrying high quality and creative books that our customers will enjoy. We have a consignment program designed to allow local self-published authors space on our shelves.

The Consignment Program

  1. Please complete the Consignment Request Form in order to have your book(s) carried in our store.
  2. Please drop off or mail a complimentary copy of your book(s) so we may review. Include the Consignment Request Form. Our address is: Eyeseeme Bookstore - Consignment Dept.; 6951 Olive Blvd, University City, MO 63130
  3. Our consignment review process usually takes several business days – we will notify you via email of our decision as soon as possible.
  4. If we decide to carry your book(s), it will be on a consignment basis. We will display your book(s) on our shelves for a period of three (3) months (the consignment period). As books sell, we will request additional copies from you.
  5. Upon the sale of your book(s), you will receive 60% of the retail value of the book per copy sold, which is the standard industry split. (Children Authors will received 70%) Checks will be sent every 30 days.
  6. At the end of the consignment period, we will evaluate the success of your book(s). If we decide to continue to carry your book, we will extend the consignment period for an additional 90 days, and then evaluate the book(s) again when the additional period has expired. If we decide to not extend the consignment period, we will ask that you come pick up the unsold books.

New to consignment? Here’s some tips:

  • Encourage everyone you know – your family, friends, and other contacts – to purchase your book(s) at EyeSeeMe during your consignment period.
  • Contact local media and other outreach channels to announce that your book(s) are available for purchase at EyeSeeMe.
  • Send out press releases, review copies, and other promotional materials to generate interest.
  • Get involved with book clubs, libraries, and other organizations relevant to your book(s) subject matter. The greatest success comes from a wide array of author-coordinated outreach programs.
  • Schedule a Book Signing

Please note that Eyeseeme reserves the right to say no to a consignment request. Book(s) must have a scannable barcode with ISBN and Price printed on the book. Book(s) must feature a protagonist of color. 

Download: Consignment Request Form