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All items are shipped using standard United States Post Office service. We do our best to estimate delivery dates for your purchase.

The estimated date of delivery of your order and the cost of shipping depends on factors such as an item’s availability, processing time, and transit time.

Business Days are Monday through Friday, excluding holidays observed by the Post Office and UPS, such as New Year's Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.

Delivery dates are not guaranteed. Sometimes the availability of the items in your order may change while we are processing your order. In this event, you will receive an email notifying you of a delay, and the remaining eligible items in your order will be shipped as scheduled.

International Orders

To see the shipping fees for an order shipping internationally, create the order and begin the Checkout process.  You will be provided with a shipping fee before you place the order.

International orders may be subject to customs fees and import duties based on the country where the order was shipped.

Eyeseeme is not responsible for customs fees, and charges are not incorporated into the total cost of your order. Please contact your customs office for further information.

Please note: It can take an additional 1-2 weeks for your package to go through customs and your local postal system.  The time it takes to get your package from the local post office to your address can vary widely.  Delivery may be delayed by customs and/or local postal requirements, and we cannot influence local delivery practices.  Please take this information into account as you place and track your order.